WHO AMONG US hasn't, at one time or another, dreamed of one day chucking the whole "corporate rat race/adult responsibility" thing and moving to an isolated cabin in the woods where we would be free to get in touch with our inner selves and become one with nature? Yet, even though many of us have fantasized about doing such a thing, few of us have had the intestinal fortitude or psychological toughness to actually go out and do it. Well, Christopher McCandless actually did go out and do it.‘Into the Wild' celebrates Christopher McCandless, for everything he stood for and everything he did.
Based upon the true story about top student and athlete Christopher McCandless who after graduating from Emory University in 1992 gave his entire $24,000 savings account to charity, abandoned his life of spoiled privilege and comfort from his wealthy and sheltered parents by making a cross country journey to discover freedom of life on the road that's full of adventures, meeting new people and most of all having new joys and being happy. All along the main goal of Chris is to reach and settle down in the Alaskan wilderness.
Christopher's journey, which is carried out with just the basic resources one needs to survive (no cell phone or other gadgets), is a modern odyssey of sorts, a quest for something that was lost forever and won't be found in the near future. In a world like ours, where technology rules all, a choice like Christopher's would be met with disbelief. That only heightens the intensity of the character's message, which is also what the director aims to tell us: we need to rediscover ourselves before it's too late. It doesn't matter whether we are young or old; the important thing is we give it a serious try.
It's genuinely touching how much of an impact Chris has on the lives of myriad people he meets along his away as he passes through. In particular, Catherine Keener plays an aging hippie whose love for her soul mate has begun to fade; the mere presence of the Christ-like Chris magically changes that, for the better. But the best thing about "Into the Wild" is Hal Holbrook, the venerable actor as a solitary old man who befriends Chris McCandless on his way to the Alaskan wilderness and offers to adopt him as his grandson, having lost his wife and only child in a head-on collision with a drunk. I've never seen a more heartfelt or touching performance in so long. If you don't shed a tear for him then you have no soul.
The debate over whether Chris was a highly evolved truth seeker or a vengeful and self destructive personality is not answered in the film. In spite of Chris' ultimate discovery about the true nature of happiness, into the Wild is not a message film but a voyage of discovery in which a headstrong young man gradually acquires the wisdom to reach out to others, even to his parents in a fevered dream. More than a story about a return to nature, or a white middle class youth's protest against his parent's values, it is a search for authenticity in a world that has forgotten what truth looks and feels like.
Emile Hirsch as Chris is outstanding in the lead role. We like him and find ourselves pulling for him. It is fascinating to travel with him as he truly gets naked to the world. Supporting cast is fine, though Marcia Gay Harden and William Hurt are given little to do. Always nice to see Jena Malone on screen (here as Chris' sister). Catherine Keener and Brian Dierker are a nice touch as the hippie couple. Vince Vaughn has a brief role as a good natured farmer. Kristen Stewart plays a 16 yr old with a nice voice, and a crush on Chris. As I have earlier mentioned, the best supporting role goes to the great Hal Holbrook as the lonely guy who teaches and learns in his stint with Chris.
Director Sean Penn has well matured his skill as a screenplay writer and director (apart from acting) since his first venture The Indian Runner in 1991. He pours his heart and soul into making the movie a wonderful experience of film making. He scores top in weaving the story with flashbacks and not letting the interest drop for a single second till the very end. The cinematography by Eric Gautier is breathtaking. The musical soundtrack written by Eddie Veder is also fantastic.
Into the Wild isn't an "easy" film: it will leave you very affected, possibly devastated, but also as enriched as one can ever be after seeing a genuine masterwork. It will ignite real thoughts about life instead of the phony reflections so many "issue movies" try to induce. It will hit the gut, the heart and the mind in equal measure, and once the initial wave of emotional overflow has passed you will feel immensely rewarded. Into the Wild does this because it isn't merely a motion picture: it is art, life, freedom and nature, all together in a mesmerizing piece of visual poetry.
Title : Into the wild
Director: Sean Penn
Cast :Emile Hirsch,Marcia Gay Harden, William Hurt ,Jena Malone ,Catherine Keener, VinceVaughn ,Kristen Stewart, Hal HolbrookRated R for nudity
Country :USA
DVD Features: interviews with actors
making of “into the wild”
Trailer Link :www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LAuzT_x8EkTorrent file name :Into The Wild[2007]DvDrip[Eng]-aXXo
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